Elegance in its purest state, quality and design that will make your ham an even more exclusive piece thanks to this cover made with the best materials to guarantee 100% what we like to enjoy most of the ham: its flavor, its smell and its tender creamy texture that melts in every bite when tasting it. For all this, if you do not want your ham to be affected by poor preservation or an inadequate cover for the characteristics of your ham, do not hesitate and try this one. You will realize that it is an essential complement, when it comes to preserving your ham. Because it is important care and attention in everything we do, your hams are no less, and if you also give them a special and personal touch the better. We invite you to try these beautiful covers and discover that your ham could not be better preserved.
Special blue thick duchy cover for ham
The cover is an essential complement for ham professionals. It is a vital element when it comes to keeping the ham in a cool and dry place, because only this is not enough if we do not want it to lose its characteristic flavor and texture. With this cover you will be sure that this does not happen and that each bite will be like going to heaven and returning in 10 seconds.